- Routine run assessment/progress check
- I felt strong and was confident that my run fitness had increased.
- At the upper end of the training set, I began feeling wobbly and low on energy…I was bonking again!
- I crashed pretty quickly after that.
- Johnny noted that my lactate was way too low relative to the time and effort of the test. Big red flag to him, I was deficient in glycogen stores.
- He was clearly concerned and spent time being very direct with me about the importance of getting my nutrition right.
- If I didn’t fix it, I would not be able to complete the Ironman. Period.
- He told me that although I was starving my body, I had achieved significant gains in my fitness. My body is very resilient. From these results, he was certain that I’d be much further along with the proper diet.
- He began asking me about my nutrition plan on race day. I hadn’t seriously thought about it. Regarding carbohydrates, he told me for the bike it should be 240-360 calories/hr and on the run 240-280 per hour. All liquid, not solids to prevent GI issues.
- The timing of the discussion was great. I had a scheduled phone consultation with a sports nutritionist later in the afternoon.
Run assessment…progress despite nutritional deficit