
Ironman Cozumel – DNF

Ironman Cozumel – DNF

A race with no time goal, only focusing on good execution, the enjoyment of racing, and asking myself "what If" along the way. Last year, I had planned to participate in this race as my A-race. However, I got sidetracked in my adventures throughout the year and didn't...

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TriDot Pool School

TriDot Pool School

Having to change training programs while preparing for my newest ludicrous Ironman goal has me feeling somewhat lost. With four years of training experience, I've decided to take this time to forego a single coach. Instead, I'll follow the TriDot AI-based training...

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Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast Guest

Triathlon Nutrition Academy Podcast Guest

After about a year in the Triathlon Nutrition Academy, I was invited to be a guest on their podcast. During our tenure in the academy, As part of our training regimen, we acquired knowledge on how to properly fuel ourselves before, during, and after each type of...

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Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon

Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon

Pre-race preparation The Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon is one of the most iconic triathlons in the world. It’s roughly the distance of an Olympic distance race. It begins, as the name suggests, just off Alcatraz island where athletes jump off a ferry and swim back to...

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Moment in transition

Moment in transition

I haven’t written a post in several months. Not because I’ve stopped training. I haven’t known how to express where I am in my athletic development. The joy of training hasn’t gone away. Nor has the desire to push myself to achieve new things. I feel as if I’m moving...

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A new ludicrous Ironman goal

A new ludicrous Ironman goal

In January 2019, the goal of completing an Olympic distance triathlon was a stretch, but I was confident that I could do it. It wasn’t a big enough goal. So, in April of the same year, I decided to shoot for something that I thought was out of my reach. Complete an...

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Run Houston! 5K  Surprise 4th Place

Run Houston! 5K Surprise 4th Place

Determined to have an improved marathon result at my next Ironman race (Ironman Cozumel, November 2023), I've been focusing on developing my running speed. Two things that I've been doing to improve my running capacity are track workouts and yoga. Yoga to lengthen and...

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Athletic Definition Podcast Interview

Athletic Definition Podcast Interview

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of talking with Coach Ray Z about my journey from sitting on the couch to becoming an Ironman finisher. You can listen on Spotify or watch it on YouTube...

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