The hotel in Chicago didn’t have a pool. Since it was built in the 1920s there was no room for one. I was told by the concierge that we had access to a local gym, the Equinox. The club was only a block away, so there was no real excuse to not go. It would cost $25 for a day-pass.
I threw all of my mental excuses away, packed my swim jammers, goggles and got to walking.
I’m beginning to understand the phrase “90% of life is showing up”. After I got into the water and did 1200 meters, I was feeling awesome. I still made an excuse and stopped swimming. I was supposed to swim for 1hr. I cheated and stopped at about 40 min.
Then, I got on a stationary bike. I was scheduled to ride for 1hr and I stayed on it for 1hr. My desire to stop showed up about 30 minutes into the exercise. Since I cheated on the swim, I couldn’t bear to stop cycling early.
I’m so glad I showed up today.
As they say ” you get what you train”…